Tuesday, 10 December 2019


How to cite this article. For this, the sound pressure level in the emission room is subtracted by the one in the reception room, plus the relation between the sample area and the equivalent sound absorption area of the reception room. For both samples, the test time was minutes and the exposure conditions were the same. It is possible as well to evidence the necessity of the verification of the performance of the usually used systems in the country construction market with the relatively new standard requirements. In this way, this article has the aim to evaluate the fire resistance and acoustic sound insulation, among Brazilian standard NBR ABNT, , of two non-structural systems composed by different ceramic bricks composition, in weight and geometry, both with horizontal voids, commonly used in the country construction market. The results showed that the joint impact of the U-value and absorptance is not adequately represented in the simplified method. nbr 15575

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Simulations for the house whose walls have high thermal capacitance were also performed, as well as nnr simulations for the building in normal use conditions. With the calculated sound reduction index for each frequency band, by the calculation processes present in ISO ISO,the sound reduction index was obtained for each sample.

Building acoustics, 6 3pp. Sound insulation The determination of the sound reduction index of the samples were made into a laboratorial environment, testing both the aforementioned systems, that were constructed inside a movable reinforced concrete portico and installed between two reverberant ngr Fig.

Measurement procedures and requirements.

Norma De Desempenho NBR : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Arquitetura Revista, 10 2pp. It was also observed that thermal capacitance influences these limits. In the country, since the standard reveals the necessity of fulfill requirements that were ignored and has, relatively, been published recently, the systems until then used had to be tested and, if necessary, remodeled to comply with, at least, the minimum performance classification.

For this, the sound pressure level in the emission room is subtracted by the one in the reception room, plus the relation between the sample area and the equivalent sound absorption area of the reception room. For this, the wall sealing systems must limit and prevent the spreading of fire through the building. Acoustics - Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements - Part 5: The test procedures used to the determination of the sound reduction index were described by 155575 e ISO ISO,making the measurements with the adequate and calibrated equipments, measuring the sound pressure levels in 10 distinct positions for each nbf, and in one-octave bands from to Hz.

Fire resistance The normative limits of the ISO standard curve were respected throughout the test.

Acoustics - Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements - Part 4: Considering the security requirements, it is necessary to evaluate the fire resistance of vertical sealing systems.

House-building performance ABNT, represents a significant step forward for the Brazilian construction industry.

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Into the fire resistance of the systems that compose a building, the main objective is to promote a secure way to the users to get out of the building in case of a sinister. Into the habitability, one of the concerns is the acoustic performance, because of the characteristics and the possible hazard caused by the sound.

The final aspect and the projection of the position of the thermocouples in the non-exposed face of the two samples are shown in Fig.

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Some geometric characteristics of the system, like voids, spaces and internal dimensions, have a strong influence on the fire resistance of the wall, due to the interference on the predominant heat bbr between the vertical divisions inside the blocks NGUYEN et al, The standard describes criteria to promote the classification of all systems that compose a residential building, attributing minimum performance to the systems during their normal use conditions.

For both samples, the test time was minutes and the 1575 conditions were the same. Introduction The national methodologies of evaluation and classification of the performance in residential buildings systems in Brazil are prescribed by NBR ABNT,that is the first national standard that concern the performance as an obligatory requirement.

On acoustic performance, the sound reduction index of the samples are expressed in Fig. How to cite this article. For these two cases, the ambient temperature at the start of the test must be added.

Nbr 15575-1 pdf

Measurement of airborne sound insulation. Services on Demand Journal.

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The annual 15755 proved to be the best way to evaluate different performance requirements in the summer and winter. While there is intrinsic water, this temperature remains constant.


June 11, ; Revised: Porto Alegre, 7 1pp. It is the most possible cause of the increase in the exterior temperature of the sample, as referenced by Nguyen and Meftah DYNA, 85pp. After the publication of NBR ABNT, standard, it nbrr necessary that the constructive systems used in residential buildings go through verification processes concerning the performance requirements.

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